Animal Sciences (ANIM)
This category includes animals (mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, etc.), animal life, animal development, animal life cycles, animal interactions with each other and/or their environment, and the study of animals at the cellular and the molecular level.
ISEF subcategories: Animal Behavior, Cellular Studies, Development, Ecology, Genetics, Nutrition and Growth, Physiology, Systematics and Evolution
Behavioral and Social Sciences (BEHA)
This category includes the study of psychology, sociology, anthropology, archeology, etiology, ethnology, linguistics, animal behavior (learned or instinctive), learning, perception, urban problems, gerontology, reading problems, public opinion surveys, and education testing, etc.
ISEF subcategories: Clinical and Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Physiological Psychology, Sociology and Social Psychology
Biochemistry and Microbiology (BIO)
This category includes molecular biology, molecular genetics, enzymes, photosynthesis, blood chemistry, protein chemistry, food chemistry, hormones, bacteriology, virology, protozoology, fungal and bacterial genetics, yeast, etc.
ISEF subcategories: Analytical Biochemistry, General Biochemistry, Medicinal Biochemistry, Structural Biochemistry, Antimicrobials and Antibiotics, Applied Microbiology, Bacteriology, Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Genetics, Virology, Cell Physiology, Cellular Immunology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology
Medicine and Health (MED)
This category includes medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, pathology, ophthalmology, nutrition, sanitation, pediatrics, dermatology, allergies, speech and hearing, optometry, etc.
ISEF categories: Computational Biomodeling, Computational Epidemiology, Computational Evolutionary Biology, Computational Neuroscience, Computational Pharmacology, Genomics, Disease Detection and Diagnosis, Disease Prevention, Disease Treatment and Therapies, Drug Identification and Testing, Pre-Clinical Studies, Cell, Organ, and Systems Physiology, Genetics and Molecular Biology of Disease, Immunology, Nutrition and Natural Products, Pathophysiology
Plant Sciences (PLNT)
This category includes agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, forestry, plant biorhythms, palynology, plant anatomy, plant taxonomy, plant pathology, plant genetics, hydroponics, algology, mycology, etc.
ISEF categories: Agriculture and Agronomy, Ecology, Genetics and Breeding, Growth and Development, Pathology, Plant Physiology, Systematics and Evolution